RNA synthesis reactions

All lanes were loaded with 1 µl (out of 26 µl total) from reactions using different modified ribonucleotides and a DNA template containing ~2.2 kb of the 3' coding region of the sog cDNA.

  1. control unlabeled GAUC (TP) RNA synthesis
  2. Digoxigenin (DIG)-UTP RNA synthesis
  3. Fluorescein (FITC)-UTP RNA synthesis
  4. Dinitrophenyl (DNP)-UTP (new) RNA synthesis
  5. Dinitrophenyl (DNP)-UTP (old) RNA synthesis
  6. RNA marker
The faint upper band in all lanes is the DNA template. The bright band at the 2.37 kb RNA marker band is the bulk of the RNA reaction product. The fainter band above that is some reaction product running abnormally, probably because this is not an appropriate RNA gel. The DIG and FITC labeled RNA bands are as strong as the unlabeled RNA band. The bright lowest band in the FITC lane is fluorescent signal from the unincorporated FITC-UTP. The newer DNP nucleotide mix yielded a good amount of product, but the older DNP mix did not work nearly as well.