Personal Page

well this Personal Page is mostly about my girlfriend Alexis Huynh, which is most of my personal life. Isn't she cute?

This is a picture of my girlfriend Alexis and her nephew Arthur playing on the driveway at her house

This is BabyJavaBunny & me on vacation. I started calling her like that after Java class we took together

this is me on paradise island bridge

This is my girlfriend Alexis and me at the LA music center during the intermission of La Traviata. You can't see much in the back but I swear that is where we were...

These are me, David, Elaine and Charles at MM2001

Alexis is not only gorgeous but is also really smart: Here she is dissecting

The perfect brain dissection preserves the olfactory bulbs. She got it perfectly on her first try Ever!!!

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