There are a
number of GFP resources available on the WWW. Here
are a few listed below.
A number of
people have GFP information pages. Here are a few:
A problem set from a Biochemistry class at Carnegie
Mellon University.
Silke Jonda has
put together a nice set of GFP information pages.
Search PubMed for GFP references.
sources of GFP vectors:
Clontech has a page of GFP application notes and general information. They have several different GFP vectors as well as antibodies.
Quantum Biotechnologies has both GFP and BFP vectors.
Packard Instruments sells GFP vectors which include a yellow-emitting
Pharmingen also has GFP vectors.
Other Commercial GFP links:
Universal Imaging has put together a system for imaging GFP expression. They also have a page
of additional GFP links
and mutations.