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The Wedding Party

Cindy Lew Maid of Honor Try as she might, Cindy would have a hard time denying that Linda is her sister. Not only do they share distinctly non-Chinese features (there are rumors about a Caucasian milk man, but some things are best left unexamined), but their love of a good cocktail, their crazy Los Angeles driving habits, and the familial pack-rat tendencies leave no doubt that they are sisters. Not only is Cindy the maid of honor, but she has also given us another bridesmaid (Missy), and a flower girl (Jessica).
Connie Chao Bridesmaid The last year marked the end of the Connie-and-Linda-living-together era. Seven years - longer than most marriages (hmm... this probably isn't the place to discuss such things). They moved from the Poon residence to the Ghetto of south Clairemont, and finally to 'Fuzzyland' (their last house named for the slowly-dying stray cat who lived there when they arrived - so slowly dying it's still there after four years). Connie and Linda have shared classes, graduation, and more recently trips to Mexico where Connie enjoys the banana daquiris.
Jeanne Louie Bridesmaid Jeanne is one of Linda's oldest friends. But more importantly, she has recently become Linda's (and practically everyone else we know's) optometrist. What started in freshman Math 1A has led to a long friendship of trips to Starbucks, study sessions, clubbing, and book lending. If it weren't for Jeanne, Linda would have never meet Connie and the rest of the clan in Res Hall Building V.
Melissa Palos Bridesmaid Missy is the bride's niece. She's also the youngest bridesmaid - so no matter how mature she may look at the wedding, don't give her any champagne. Well, maybe a sip... Missy is the proud older sister of both Jessica, one of the flower girls, and her new baby brother Devon. While she may not set the best example for her siblings in, say, getting good grades in math, she's a great role model for them in other respects. Like smart-ass t-shirt wearing, and kick-ass electric guitar playing.
Charles Pauley Best Man Mr. Pauley has the dubious distinction of being the groom's oldest friend. Whether this reflects poor judgement, an incredible level of tolerance, or a wicked case of masochism in Charlie remains an open question. Whatever the case, they've been friends since the sixth grade, when they're mutual geekiness drew them together. Since then they've shared many frightening experiences: Star Trek conventions, high school proms, high school reunions (good god!), Pauley Yard Days (home improvement marathons that generally ended in large pieces of landscaping equipment being hurled at family members), and a couple of years of roommatehood which remarkably didn't end in bloodshed.
Jon Werner Groomsman When not impersonating fat, aloha-shirt wearing graduate students as he is here, Dr. Werner is pretending to be a scientist. But only until he begins law school in a few months, where he'll learn to fight the man. Jon has been a friend of the groom for more than six years, since they started graduate school together. Since then the two have engaged in countless shouting matches pitting Jon's laizze-faire-Ayn-Rand-every-man-for-himself world view against Justin's bleeding-heart-pointy-headed-whining-liberal philosophy. Let's hope they don't get into it at the wedding.
Bryce Baker Groomsman Bryce is another in the long line of roommates who suffered living with me until they could find something better (in this case, an apartment on the beach and a job making video games). After causing the collapse of yet another start up company, Bryce has moved to San Francisco to study Law. I think he's finally found his calling - if ever I've met someone with the heart of a lawyer, Bryce is him. Bryce has had two great influences on my life: he introduced me to Citadelle gin, and he convinced me that if I didn't propose to Linda soon she'd come to her senses and realize she could do much better.
Chris Holland Groomsman Dr. Holland is smarter than you. I could try to explain what he does, but we'd both just get confused. Something to do with fusion and secret government projects. When the real war comes they'll have to whisk him away to start making the super weapons. But the smartest thing he's done was to marry his lovely wife, the other Dr. Holland, who does all of the home improvement and keeps him as far as possible from dangerous power tools.
Jessica Palos Flower Girl Not only is Jessica artistic and crafty like her Aunt Linda, but she loves to sing and dance (and has a captive audience in her new little brother Devon), and she's a cheerleader. She claims to be the complete opposite of her older sister, Missy, and although that has yet to be proven in all its particulars, she certainly does get better grades in math.
Sydney Rose Sadowski Flower Girl Sydney doesn't care too much for her Uncle Justin (she tried to blind him when she was 18 months old, and their relationship hasn't really been the same since). However, she adores her Uncle Linda. And she really adores wearing cute clothing. So she can't wait to be a flower girl in the wedding. There are even wild rumors of some sort of wild Flower Girl Dance. While there was some debate about having her involved in the wedding, for fear she would steal the entire show, in the end she was just too cute to pass up.

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